Wednesday, October 22, 2014


--Enter into my mind. Take a seat--

          This is the beginning of what hopefully will end up being a long chain of posts which will culminate with the end of my life.

So no pressure Scott.

Basically I've decided to do a thought a day to just keep people interested and involved in life. Nothing is worse than complacency and I strive to solve the puzzle that has become human interaction. More people need to do more. It's simple. We should not let technology and the death of the golden era bring us down to an un-involved life. It's best to start with the brain, which leads me to today's thought:

The best way to get what you want is to smile. Act happy, even if you're not. The emotion will soak through your attitude like ink runs across paper. I'm not saying to hide your emotions. Simply force the happy mood unto yourself and you'll trick your mind into happiness. Look at the upside and keep at it even when it seems like everything and everyone is against you. The glass IS full. Any don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. 


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